Grape(s): 100% Chenin Blanc.
Romain Guiberteau produces magnificent wines from “grands terroirs” where he displays the full potential of the of the appellation Saumur. The Saumur Domaine is a wine of “demi-garde” (5 to 10 years) issued from Chenin Blanc. The age of the vines are between 3 and 50 years, and the soil is composed...
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Grape(s): 100% Cabernet Franc.
Romain Guiberteau produces magnificent wines from “grands terroirs” where he displays the full potential of the of the appellation Saumur. The Guiberteau Les Motelles 2007 is a wine of “demi-garde” composed entirely of Cabernet Franc with 55 year old vines planted in a gravelly, clay soil...
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Grape(s): 100% Chenin Blanc.
Romain Guiberteau produces magnificent wines from “grands terroirs” where he displays the full potential of the of the appellation Saumur. The Saumur Brézé is a “vin de garde (10-20 years)” and an assembly of two parcels of vines of Chenin Blanc. The age of the vines is over 40 years....
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Grape(s): 100% Cabernet Franc.
Romain Guiberteau produces magnificent wines from “grands terroirs” where he displays the full potential of the of the appellation Saumur. The Guiberteau Les Arboises 2007 is a “vin de garde” composed enterely of Cab. Franc with 53 year old vines planted in a clay-liimestone soil with a southern...
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